Thursday, November 4
Who's More Foolish, The Fool Or The Fools Who Vote For Him?
Just to add a quick comment about Carla's quick comment about the American election...There had been a lot of animated political debate going on here at the Orange House in the weeks leading up to the election. I found myself getting ensnared on more than one occasion, which I usually try to avoid. Talking politics is my dad's forte, not mine. But still, it was fun. Heated sometimes, but civil for the most part. The talking stopped when the election started and it hasn't started up again since. People don't want to talk politics anymore. The mood ain't animated. It's downright funereal. Could just be that we have met mainly democrats in our travels. Because republicans don't travel. Except to bomb and occupy other countries. Y'see, if you leave the country... the foreigners will take over.
Now here is where is subtly segue into an entirely different subject...
Today we took a walk to the Osaka International House. You would think an International House would have signs in more than one language. You'd be mistaken for the most part. I'm still not really sure what the International House's purpose is. We spent most of our time in the Information room reading magazines. Carla studied Japanese and I read some Time and Newsweek (reading Time, talking politics, listening to the CBC... I'm getting old).

We ate at MOS Burger again. This time, we tried out the Rice Burgers. Instead of buns, the burgers are served on toasted rice patties. And instead of burgers, you get stir fried stuff. It was interesting, and very hot.
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