Saturday, January 15
Four on the Floor
The media was out in full force for Nate and Trev's arrival. I had to fight my way, past cameramen and security, to the front.
Trev seemed just fine but Nate seemed really out of it. Neither of them mocked my hat, which I found both reassuring and frightening. I got them back to the Orange House, they mocked it, they freshened up and then we went out. Nate really didn't seem to be all there. He hardly slept at all on the flight over and he was coming down with something to boot.. I felt kinda bad dragging him out, but he was only here for a week. For some reason, once he sat down next to a cute Japanese girl, his vitality returned with a vengeance.
To be truthful, he didn't sit down next to a cute Japanese girl. The cute Japanese girl was seated near me. I overheard her comparing Nate to John Travolta and I encouraged her to introduce herself. She did. She didn't really leave him alone for the rest of the night. A cute girl in a kimono latched herself to Trev almost immediately. Trev looks like Beck, so say the Japanese. I look engaged. No cute Japanese girls flung themselves at me. Dang.
At some point Trev managed to get away from the kimono girl. A very skeezy Kiwi pounced on her and wouldn't leave her alone for the rest of the night. We all felt kind of bad for her. The New Zealander looked like the offspring of a balding rat and a dead bulldog. With acne. And he would not shut up about how much he liked to drink and do drugs. Poor, poor kimono girl.
We didn't spend that long in the Playpen. Just long enough to get a couple drinks, miss the last train home, meet an undead plumber, not lose Nate's sweater, and see some very nice looking Asian ladies.
Nate's pink sweatered friend helped us catch two cabs home and that was the end of day one.
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