Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Friday, January 7

Karma, or something

I was out for a walk this afternoon to maybe buy some blank CDs and something to eat. I couldn't help but notice how mild and warm the wind was. "Like a Spring breeze," I thought. "I can't help but be reminded of the brutally cold winds blowing across the Canadian prairies recently. Ha ha ha ha ha."

Then I turned the corner. The wind was not so nice then. It was blowing hard, and rather colder than it had been just a moment ago. But I kept walking. I'm a trooper. And really, even with the wind the temperature was well above zero. Then it started to rain. That was about when I turned around. And ducked into 7-11. And bought a really yummy little raisin-custard pastry thing. If nothing else, the Japanese do seem to know how to bake.

So much for my pleasant little walk and invigorating fresh air. That'll learn me to leave the apartment, eh Tyler?

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