Sunday, January 16
Even though they were tired and even though last night went kind of late, Trev and Nate agreed to visiting Nara today. They're a couple of troopers.Carla and I had been to Nara once before, as you all no doubt recall, but most of our time was spent in museums. Today, we would be seeing all sorts of new stuff. And tonnes of deer. Deer are everywhere in the park in Nara. You'll just be walking down a flight of stairs when a deer passes you. It's odd. They sell deer food at a lot of stalls in Nara.

So, of course, Nate bought some.

And of course he taunted the deer with the crackers.

And of course this brought on the ire of the evil demon deer.

And of course it chased us into a rickety old wooden shack.

And of course Nate stopped in the middle of our panic filled flee from deermonic terror to try to get to second base with Little Red Riding Hood.

And of course the wooden shack was filled with giant Buddhas and wrathful... things.

And of course Trev thought about defacing this sacred property but stopped when he saw this sign.

And that is enough of that. To be serious here, the one thing that I dislike about my digital camera is that is seems to shrink everything. The building housing the huge Buddha was huge. The huge Buddha was huge. (and poorly lit) It was a humbling experience. And it doesn't come across in pictures at all.
As we were walking back through the park we were accosted by some giggling schoolgirls who wanted me to answer some questions. I gladly did. They giggled.
We finished off the day with some real Japanese food followed by some McDonald's. They don't put nearly enough tartar sauce on their Fillet O'Fishes here. I could actually taste the fish. *shudder*
Here's a couple more pictures because I reckon this post just doesn't have enough of 'em yet. Here's a picture of Trev with a deer.

And here's a picture that I like.

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