Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, March 27


Haven't been here in a while. I've been busy. And sick. Sick and busy. Busy and sick. Yeah.

Been sick for over two weeks now. Not fun. Been on the verge of losing my voice for most of it. Makes teaching English a little more difficult. But I seem to be doing okay. My boss seems happy and that is what really counts. Can't wait till I get done training. I want money. The kids are pretty good for the most part. They all want to stick their fingers up my bottom. Is that normal?

We saw some more free art today. I like art. Today we saw a lot of work by Toulouse-Lautrec. I liked it. Kind of a refined sketchy kind of vibe. With splattery, splotchy colours. And very distinctive noses. I'd go into more detail, but I'm a little... we stopped by the Hub after and had a few cheap drinks with Ben. He got beat up at Rock Rock last night. No one knows why. Last weekend he got tonnes of free drinks from the band A Simple Plan. Plus he saw REM and Green Day in concert. Man, I can't wait to have money. But getting money means having to work and working cuts into band seeing time. Like this summer. Fuji Rock is the biggest music festival in Japan. This year Foo Fighters, The Go! Team, Beck, Cake, Fatboy Slim, and others are playing. I'm working. Man, I wish I was independently wealthy.

What else? They were handing out free alcohol on the street today. We didn't bother. The line was pretty long. Longer than the line for free cosmetics. This here country is pretty cool.

What? How's Ben doing?
Frank Miller's Sin City is being released on Friday. The trailer is SO boss.
You probably aren't sick, you probably have allergies. I didn't know I had them until I moved to Vancouver.. I think it's the cherry blossoms. It feels just like a cold that won't go away.
Try allergy medicine and some allergy eye drops.

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