Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, March 10

I had my heart set on a Jacuzzi®

Ben brought his iPod over last night. There was an exchange of music. It feels like Christmas!

In other news, we've been scouting for a better apartment. Outlook: not so good. Everything we've found so far has been either too expensive, too old (can't get internet), too small (we need that kitchen), or in the wrong location. Often in combination. We've limited our options a bit by looking for something furnished (apparently not too common) and by not being Japanese. Apparently a lot of landlords aren't willing to rent to foreign devils. Sigh.

We're maybe kinda sorta thinking about finding a roommate, the kind we can practice our Japanese on, but I think that will be tough too. Japanese apartments are so small. Who's going to want to share with a couple? Plus, you know, I don't play well with others.

I was really excited about moving to a new place, but now I've pretty much accepted that it's not going to happen any time soon. It's a bit of a letdown, but Spring is here, so yay!

Uuuuh, I just saw this film... and it was about real estate shopping in Japan, you see and... JUST BE CAREFUL! it's daaangerous. You need to make sure that nobody died while feeling really mad or sad 'cuz THAT would be BAD. It causes children to get spliced together with family pets and Ghost hair attacks you!!! and then just like that - DOOM - and it'll follow you to work on the train even. And spilling your instant noodles in the foam bowl. Best not to play board games with Emperors.
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