Tuesday, January 18
Don't Ask Me
I worked for the bulk of today, so I can't really tell you much of what went on. I was only with the guys for a couple hours and Nate was already needing a break. I'm not saying that to make him seem like a wimp, the dude's in way better shape than I am, I'm just saying that he is still a bit under the weather. Hopefully Carla can fill in the details a bit more.I can tell you about my day at work though. My train stopped for a good half hour on my way to work. I'm not sure why, but the teacher I was with today was fairly sure it was because someone committed suicide on the train tracks at some point along the line. Kinda gross, I know. But that's not for sure. What is for sure is that I didn't want to be late for my classes, so I, along with everyone else, tranferred to another train. I was packed into a train car filled with Japanese schoolgirls. That may not mean too much to you, but it means a lot to Trev and Nate. Rest assured, I gloated.

Also, I got my first ride in a Japanese car today. The cars here, for the most part, are small and boxy. That's how they look on the outside. On the inside they are super roomy. And most have super cool navigation systems. I want one.
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