Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Thursday, March 31

Slightly Channeling The Cos

Happy belated Easter everybody! Hope you all enjoyed your hams! Man, I miss me some ham.

Which is to say we didn't do much of anything for Easter. I'm still getting over whatever bug it is that is in my system. There are those who suggest that what I am suffering from may, in fact, be allergies. I don't think that is the case. I know from allergies, and this ain't that. Then again, I never was tested for cherry blossom allergies.

Being all cultured and stuff, we decided to take in even more art. Yesterday Carla and I went to see The Work of Charles & Ray Eames: A Legacy of Invention. Ray was Charles' wife, not brother. Just thought I'd clear that up. Maybe you've heard of him. I hadn't, but the effects of his work are still being felt today. He was trained to be an architect but he dabbled in just about everything. To great effect. His films are still impressive, his house is considered a classic of modern design, he invented new ways of manufacturing chairs. Chances are you've sat in Eames' work without even knowing it. His career, it seems to me, was the nigh-perfect blend of art and science. I really enjoyed the exhibit.

The exhibit was on the 17th floor of a department store downtown. We were downtown because Carla had an interview. She had the best kind of interview, the kind where you walk in and they ask you when you want to start. Huzzah for Carla. In celebration, we spent too much money. First thing we treated ourselves to was some pizzas from First Kitchen. They have new pizzas, y'see. One of which was the bacon and potato pizza. Made me homesick. I miss perogy pizzas.

The next big expenditure was a two hour drinking session at the Hub. Here's how it works, y'see: you pay 2300yen and then you can order all the cocktails you want. Well, all the really cheap cocktails. Gin and Tonic, Moscow Mule, that kind of cocktail. No Strong Bulls for us. All in all, kind of disappointing. The food was good and the drinks were fine, but I really wanted a Strong Bull or two. They make for a very happy and energetic drunk.

So, we've spent a bit more than we wanted to since I got paid less than we wanted. On the plus side, we picked up a free television today. And a toaster oven, iron and ironing board. David's moving and he didn't need any of this stuff. So yay!!! Thanks David!!! We also picked up the DVDs we had lent him. It's like Christmas, we've got all kinds of movies to watch, multiple TVs to watch them on and games to play (David also lent us his GameCube). We don't know where to start.

Be careful mixing the Alcohol and the red bull. It is dangerous. it will pop your heart. that's bad.
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