Monday, April 11
Carla wants me to write up our Hanami experience. But Carla spent so much more time at it than I did. I think I mentioned how I was worked into the ground on hanami day. My goodness, I did a lot of talking that day. By the time I got to the hanami it was so very very dark and a fair amount of people had already left. And, what with it being dark and all, the flower viewing wasn't so hot.Still, I took some pictures.

This is like the only non-flash picture I took that night that looks not blurry. As a bonus, it also looks not crap.

But just because a picture is blurry, that doesn't mean I ain't gonna post it!

Not all these pictures need captions y'know!

It was about this time that I realized that I had had enough to drink.

But I hadn't had as much as these folks.

A typical evening.
I wanted to take some pictures the next day, but we stayed up a bit late so we slept in a bit late and then we had to go to David's birthday party. So no daytime flower pics yet. And it was super windy yesterday, which made for fantastic laundry doing (most stuff dried in about half an hour, the mid-twenties weather might have helped a bit too) but stripped some buds from the trees. Then there was a fair bit of rain last night, which took away even more flowers. I'm just trying to explain that there might not a lot of pretty pink pictures.
David's birthday was very enjoyable. Any night that starts out with Strongbulls can't be bad. It's science. And you know what really helps out on a night out in Japan? A Japanese person. They know where to go, how to get there, and what to order when you get there. It really makes the whole out-going process much easier. Carla and I, and Tina (a former Orange House-ian) couldn't spend all that money which was unfortunate. But these things happen. Plus Carla had to go to training for her new job early the next morning.
When I say the next morning, I mean this morning. David and I stayed up fairly late in the lounge at Orange House and then woke up fairly early. Yes, we fell asleep in the lounge. But we didn't get covered in bites this time. David stumbled off home and I helped Carla get ready for her big day. Right now, as I type theses very words, it is 11:00 am. I am so very tired. And I reckon I should at least try to find some pretty trees to take pictures of at some point during the sunny part of today. So tired. I think I might go have a nap. Later.

This is a picture of David drinking an alcoholic concoction so vile, it caused his spirit to leave his body.
Update: I did have a nap, and I did take some pictures. I just haven't picked which ones to post yet. Hopefully, this post will be posted soon.

Just in case you missed it the first time.

The same tree as last night, but with less night.

Kinda gross. Yet still kinda pretty. Wait - no. Just gross.

I was lucky enough to find this old guy feeding birds. I took all kinds of arty pictures of this scene and then took this regular one. All the arty pictures sucked.

However, I sure do like this somewhat arty picture of a duck. I like ducks. Even this one. He is a dirty, dirty duck.
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