Adventures in Japan <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Monday, November 8

Dinner And A Movie

Today was an expensive day. I guess it started last night when we drank all the alcohol in our fridge. Wait, maybe I should mention stuff that happened before yesterday... nah, none of it was all that exciting.

So last night was David's last night in the Orange House. To celebrate, we drank all the alcohol in our fridge. Plus a bottle of wine. And some beer. And we had some Domino's Pizza. Not any of the cool pie-on double layered cheese crust pizza, though. There was broccoli and basil on the pizza though. And some seafood. It was good. The whole night last night was a good time. We watched The Art of War, a really bad Wesley Snipes film and made fun of it the whole time. Even the soft spoken German guy got in on the action. After that we watched the new Star Wars Episode 3 trailer a hojillion times as we talked about all the stuff we liked in Star Wars and all the stuff that's a bit crap. And all sorts of other geeky stuff. We frame-by-framed parts of the trailer fer cryin' out loud! How else could we have noticed that there are prototype X-wings in the film? And Tie Fighter looking things with R2 units? Prototype AT-ATs? Amidala with Leia-like hair buns? Yeah, we watched that thing a lot. A drank a lot. And talked a lot.

Today we helped David move the last of his stuff to his new place, which is a fair distance away from here. Then we had some overpriced Chinese food and then caught a train back into Umeda and watched Collateral (Ko-Ra-Te-Ru in Japanese). I really liked the film. A lot. It just looked SO good. I liked being able to see the night sky. And all the deep focus shots. Man. Mann. I'd go into more fanboy ravings, but mayhap I will cut myself short.

But I will mention a couple little things about the movie-going experience here. The theatre we watched the film at was on the 7th floor of a shopping complex. The tickets for a late show are cheaper than tickets for an early one. There's assigned seating. The assigned seating doesn't seem to mean much. At least it didn't mean much to the people we found sitting in our seats. The theatres are small: narrow and long. We arrived a bit late and missed all the trailers, so I don't know if they do anything different before movies start.

There's a new Godzilla movie opening next month.

After the movie we looked around for a place to grab a quick drink. We found a Stand Up Bar. That's not the name of the bar, that's just how they described it. I guess because there all sorts of tall, round, barrel-ish tables that customers could stand around made up the bulk of the interior. But everyone was seated, kinda ruining the whole vibe. The beer was cheaper than most other places we've been and the food as well. The food portions were quite small, but that just encourages trying a whole bunch of different things. Ain't nothing wrong with that. We were enjoying ourselves a bit too much, though, because we had to run to catch our train home. Which was also the last train of the night.

Holy Cows, Japan!
I know, I know, I'm a little behing, I'm busy ducking mack the knife here at Nortel.
More pictures dammit.

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